Cape Fear 7s Tournament Making Sweeping Changes

The Cape Fear Rugby Club announces the election of a new 7s Tournament Director. At Cape Fear’s Annual General Meeting, on December 7, 2015 Bob Bogen was elected to run the 42nd Annual Cape Fear 7s Tournament, which will take place on July 2nd and 3rd 2016 at Ogden Park in Wilmington, NC. Bogen, a long-standing club member, and former club Captain, previously held the offices of President and Treasurer, as well as having been a former 7s Tournament Director. Club President Nate Nemec welcomes Bogen as a man with a vision for the future of the Cape Fear 7s.

“The former Tournament Director and committee have done an outstanding job with the Cape Fear 7s.” says Bogen. “I just want to stand on the shoulders of these people and add to our shared vision of the tournament. The Cape Fear 7s is the jewel of our club, and it has a lot going for it, a high level of competition, good facilities and infrastructure, great officials, reasonable accommodations all within a laid-back event. Of course, it is always a great time at the beach around the July 4th holiday weekend.”

More information regarding the changes that will enhance next years Cape Fear 7s to follow. On the heels of the Rugby World Cup, and in the shadow of 7s in the Olympics, this should be a very heady time for 7s rugby in the USA.

Cape Fear 7s photo

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