
Rugby players win Homecoming King back to Back

At Sam Houston State University, in Huntsville, Texas, there is a closer connection to the schools Rugby team than it might realize. For the second year in a row, Sam Houston State has elected a rugby player to represent them as their Homecoming King.

Sam Houston State Rugby player and 2015 Homecoming King, Rick Barber (left) being presented the crown by fellow player and 2014 Homecoming King, Nick Duhon (right); photo provided by Gary Meyers
Sam Houston State Rugby player and 2015 Homecoming King, Rick Barber (left) being presented the crown by fellow player and 2014 Homecoming King, Nick Duhon (right); photo provided by Gary Meyers

This past weekend Rick Barber, President of the Sam Houston State Rugby Club, was elected as the 2015 Homecoming King. What makes the title that much sweeter, was that he was presented with the crown by last years Homecoming King, his teammate and Vice-President, Nick Duhon. You can’t represent your Rugby team any better that.

Congratulations to these young men and the Sam Houston State Rugby Club.

SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=869535936428469

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