Top 10 Rugby Running Man Challenges of 2016

2016 was an exciting year for the rugby community. We saw the rise (and fall) of professional rugby. We saw history being made with the return of rugby in the Olympics. We had a chance to watch a team in Ireland, defeat the New Zealand All-Blacks for the first time in team history after 29 attempts over a 111 years.

But nothing had as global an impact as the social media challenges. We wanted to rank the best videos of rugby challenges from this year. The Running Man Challenge was the biggest challenge that made a wave in the rugby community. Check out our top 10 favorite challenges that we saw this year.

10. Jesuit High School – New Orleans Early Prep Running Man Challenge


Coming out of New Orleans, LA, the Jesuit High Blue Jays wanted to let people know about how they prepared for their state championships. The lead in for this running man challenge set them in the 10th spot for our list.

9. Joe Taufete’e Hair Of Fury Running Man Challenge


Joesph Taufete’e shows off some amazing form during the preseason of the PRO Rugby season with the San Diego Breakers. It’s such attention to form is why he has amazing skill as a Forward.

8. Lindenwood Men Playground Fun Running Man Challenge


Lindenwood University Men’s Rugby decided to show that they can play as hard as they work. Using the playground is definitely one of the reasons why we put them on our list. Additionally smoothly transitioning from slide to running man challenge is pretty awesome.

7. Cardiff Blue Child’s Play Running Man Challenge


We got this next one from overseas. The Cardiff Blues have to get a lot of love for this one. Exploiting the cuteness of kids has never been uncommon on social media, but seeing this many kids being used after some rugby training and then kicking into running man form… absolutely wonderful. Kudos to the Cardiff Blues for this one.


6. USA Women’s Rugby 7s Running Man Challenge

The USA Women’s Rugby 7s showed off some mad skills in this running man challenge video. The strong start of Kris Thomas and Victoria Forlayan in the synchronized running man, followed by the hyperbolic chambered Kelly Griffin showing off. Definitely gives an interesting view of the team in training. The family bond is definitely evident in the teammates.


5. Iona College Library Running Man Challenge


Iona College Men’s Rugby definitely brought it in this showing of the running man challenge. Utilizing the university library definitely gives some serious bonus points for this video. You have to love that the students are trying to study and have these random rugby guys popping up everywhere, and yet no one bats an eye, just amazing. Kudos to the Iona College Rugby Men for pushing the boundaries on this one.


4. Lindenwood Women’s Hotel Running Man Challenge

If the previous listing gets credit for occupying a school library, the Lindenwood women’s rugby team has to get credit for taking over an entire hotel. Kudos to not just taking a floor or two, but taking over the front desk, the pool, the weight room, all of it. Great work in just showing how fun and how badass these lady ruggers can be.


3. All Blacks Women’s 7s Practice Time Running Man Challenge

You don’t get to be one of the top rugby teams in the world by not putting some pep to the practice. All-Blacks showing the cool styling of the islands. Throw in some extra credit to Gayle Broughton for taking the solo breakdown of the running man. Definitely added a deserving place on our rankings.


2. University of Michigan Cross Campus Running Man Challenge

The University of Michigan Rugby team has definitely been winning the viral video game for the American rugby community. They came strong last year with the “shake it off” video leading into the College Rugby Championships, and then went hard with the Running Man Challenge. It’s one thing to come with the wildness, but it’s a whole other game when it comes to showing out the costumes. Spider-Man and Mr. McGibblets was absolute creativity. Can’t mess with the mixture of energy, goofiness, and school boy confidence in this running man challenge.


1. Eels Locker Room Running Man Challenge

The Paramatta Eels, arguably, put together the most popular rugby running man challenge video. It’s a video that is so simple, so quick, but just has all the energy needed to hit all the points. It didn’t need to push any gimmicks, while still being exciting. It was goofy, without being over the top. It was theatrical, while still being measured. And all in all what makes it great was that it was just the right amount of time and abrupt. That is why we had to give this one as our #1 rugby running man challenge video.

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