The National Small College Rugby Organization has announced the 2017 NSCRO Women’s 7’s National Championship will be held at Founders Field in Cheswick, PA, on 29-30 April 2017.
This will be a 16-team event with qualification through conference championships and an at-large bid process.
Champions from ten (10) conferences will automatically qualify for the National Championships:
Allegheny Rugby Union
Colonial Coast Rugby Conference/Rugby Northeast Combined Qualifier
East Penn Rugby Union
Gold Coast Conference
Ohio Valley Women’s Collegiate Rugby Conference
Mid-Atlantic Rugby Conference
Prairie States Women’s Collegiate Rugby Conference
Rocky Mountain Rugby Football Union
Upstate New York Collegiate Rugby Conference
West Coast Rugby Conference
Colonial Coast Rugby Conference/Rugby Northeast Combined Qualifier
East Penn Rugby Union
Gold Coast Conference
Ohio Valley Women’s Collegiate Rugby Conference
Mid-Atlantic Rugby Conference
Prairie States Women’s Collegiate Rugby Conference
Rocky Mountain Rugby Football Union
Upstate New York Collegiate Rugby Conference
West Coast Rugby Conference
At-Large Bids
There are six (6) at-large spots available from teams participating in the following conferences: LoneStar Women’s Conference, Capital Rugby Union, New England Rugby Football Union, South Independents, Cascade Women’s Rugby Conference, Minnesota Rugby Football Union, Great Waters Women’s Rugby Conference and Other Independents as well as 2nd place teams from conferences with an automatic spot.
There are six (6) at-large spots available from teams participating in the following conferences: LoneStar Women’s Conference, Capital Rugby Union, New England Rugby Football Union, South Independents, Cascade Women’s Rugby Conference, Minnesota Rugby Football Union, Great Waters Women’s Rugby Conference and Other Independents as well as 2nd place teams from conferences with an automatic spot.
Teams looking to secure a place through the at-large bid process should complete our online form: 2017 NSCRO Women’s 7s National Championship At-Large Bid Form
Last year’s event saw Wayne State College defeat Colorado College to win their third consecutive NSCRO Women’s 7’s National Championship.
If you have questions about the NSCRO Women’s 7’s National Championship or NSCRO in general please contact Bryn Chivers, NSCRO Commissioner of Women’s Rugby.
NSCRO is “The Home of Small College Rugby in America”.