
NSCRO Leadership Development Team Selected

NSCRO President, Steve Cohen, is very pleased to announce the establishment of the NSCRO Leadership Development Team. Led by Col. Tom Trumps (Ret.), Dr. Tracy Schrems, Mike Wenzel, Kurt Murrell and First Lt. Roderick Bonner, U.S. Army, are also members of the team.  Tom is currently Virginia Military Institute’s assistant rugby coach.

The mission of the NSCRO Leadership Development Program (LDP) is to provide student-athletes and coaches who are engaged in small college club rugby guidance in ways to better serve their respective team, college/university and community.  For many athletes in the U.S., their first exposure to rugby is when they arrive on a college campus and somehow connect with the men and women who are playing college club rugby.  As a member of a college rugby club team, players soon discover there is much more to the game than simply showing up for practices and Saturday matches.  There are inherent responsibilities that the student-athlete accepts, such as stepping up and taking charge, either on or off the pitch.  Because of the four-year college cycle, there is constant turnover in club leadership as the seniors graduate each May and the next year’s class steps up.  This four-year progression model creates excellent leadership opportunities for players.  Additionally, coaches play an integral role in the success of any competitive college team and are vital to student-athlete development as well, both on and off the pitch.

As part of its Leadership Recognition Program, each year NSCRO will recognize four male and four female rugby players for their exemplary leadership skills both on the pitch and in leading a community service team building event.  Winners of NSCRO’s Student-Leader Recognition Award will be nominated for Penn Mutual’s Life of Significance Award, which will be presented at the NSCRO 7s National Championship in May 2016.

For more information about the Leadership Development Program or our Student-Leader Recognition Award, please contact Colonel Tom Trumps (Ret.) who leads NSCRO’s Leadership Team.

SOURCE: http://www.nscro.org/news_article/show/566916?referrer_id=1276243

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