Jordan Johnson, a human resources management major, has been a vital asset to the University of South Alabama rugby program. Currently president, he looks to lead the team to new heights in 2016.
Johnson got his start in rugby at when his friend pestered him to come out for the team his freshman year. “I started playing because for the first year at school one of my friends kept begging me to play so I came out and I loved it,” said Johnson.
Primarily a hooker, Johnson has been moving around the field lately experimenting at flanker and 8-man. Proving to be quite a versatile player.
Last season, in a game against ULL, the Jaguars were down and Johnson took it upon himself to make a play to shift the momentum. This would turn out to be his favorite rugby memory. “My favorite rugby moment was probably during our last game against ULL where we were on a come back and I decided to step up and try to make something happen, so I went out to the backs and soon as I got the ball I ran through a few guys for a 30 meter try,” continued Johnson.
Playing for South has been an amazing experience where he has met some incredible people and loves the notoriety he receives around campus. He explained, “Rugby at south is great. At first I was the new guy (obviously) just wondering what was going on and now I’m the president of the team and playing rugby was one of the best decisions of my life. Its great playing here, the brotherhood is so strong and we’re all so close and I also love being on campus having people recognize me as ‘that rugby guy,'” said Johnson.
Looking towards the Spring, South Alabama is focusing on building their roster through strong recruitment efforts and entering in some 7’s tournaments. Be on the look out for this up and coming team this spring!