Morehouse College rugby has been making strides since their inception in 2012 as he first historically black college and university rugby team. The historic team has been one of the most talked about teams on the campus. This has to do with the dedicated players who are putting in work day in and day out. One of these players in particular is Seif Saafir.
Saafir knows the struggle of trying to bring a club sport to life thus he helped out the rugby team come to life. ” I initially started playing to support the growth of the club sport at my school. Personally I helped revitalize MH’s swim team into a Club Sport Org, and I felt the struggle of raising club sports from nothing. Thus I chose to help instate a rugby program at my institution,” explained the scrum-half.

With any team comes a special bond and for Saafir, this means the world to him. He continues, Personally, the experiences I’ve made with MH rugby have been some like no other. My brothers and I literally gave it our all this season despite all odds. Two of our star players missed out on some if not all of the season, due to community violence. This being only our 2nd year in this conference speaks volumes to our success once put into perspective. Our Bond as brothers is already strong simply because of the institution we attend, which prides itself on Brotherhood.”
With such a great experience at Morehouse, it was tough for the English major to nail down a favorite moment but the one that came to mind the quickest was a game where Morehouse came in as the underdog and turned heads. ” My favorite Rugby Moment would have to be facing off against the NSCRO 3x conference Champs with my brothers. Almost winning, but lost by 2 points. It is my favorite moment because my brothers and I rallied back in the second half, and did not allow them to score at all. It came down to a kick in which we initially made, but due to a penalty we were given a re kick, which we missed. Sad and disappointing but we are better rugby players and athlete because of it.”
Morehouse now heads into the off-season to focus on their strengths to come back strong in the fall!