Gift-Time Rugby Bracket Challenge – Weekend of April 25

Well we have a helluva weekend coming up this weekend. We have not one, not two, not three, but four different bracket challenges occurring this weekend, and we’ll be setting up a new one for next week. It’s not too late join the D1AA bracket challenge. Enrollment ends by Saturday at 9:00am EST/6:00am PST. Just read the rules and you can be part of the fun! Check it out down below

So we have our brackets, we have our line ups. Currently here are how our bracket challenges are ranking out so far.

Women’s D1 College Bracket Challenge

1. Ryan Flynn (8 points)
1. GiftTime Egbelu (8 points)

Women’s D2 College Bracket Challenge

1. GiftTime Egbelu (9 points)
2. Ryan Flynn (2 points)

D1A Rugby Bracket Challenge

Media Bracket:

1. Pat Clifton – Rugby Today (3 points)
2. Ryan Flynn – Gift-Time Rugby Network (2 points)
3. GiftTime Egbelu – Gift-Time Rugby Network (1 point)

The People’s Bracket:

1. Jason Mapp (2 points)
2. Kolbe Conger (2 points)
3. Seth Little (2 points)

D1AA Bracket Challenge Participants

GiftTime Egbelu

GiftTime Egbelu - D1AA bracket
GiftTime Egbelu – D1AA bracket

Ryan Flynn

Ryan Flynn - D1AA
Ryan Flynn – D1AA

Jason Mapp

Jason Mapp - D1AA
Jason Mapp – D1AA

Seth Little

Seth Little - D1AA
Seth Little – D1AA

Everything is going down for this weekend join in on the fun. Get your D1AA picks in today. Win the prize!!

Download your bracket below

D1AA Rugby Bracket


  1. To participate, each contestant needs to download a copy of the bracket(s) that contestant wants to participate in
  2. Each bracket must be fully completed and turned in before the first date of the playoffs (D1AA – April 25, 9:00am EST)
  3. The winner will be determined by the points gained by the correct pick
    1. D1AA
      Elite Eight – 2 points; Final Four – 3 points; Finals – 4 points; Champion pick – 7 points
  4. Tie breaker will be the predicted score of the championship match
  5. To submit brackets either:
    1. Email the completed copy to
    2. Post a picture of the completed bracket on Twitter (@GiftTimeRugby). Post it under #RugbyBrackets.
    3. Message it to Facebook Page, Gift-Time Rugby Network


  • Prizes will be determined by how many brackets each participants
  • Media prize – The Championship Belt
  • Two Bracket Winner:
    1st place – Gift-Time Rugby Network Trophy
    2nd place – Gift-Time Rugby Network consolation prize
  • Single bracket winner:
    1st place – TBD
    2nd place – TBD


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